Why Us

HostelsNearMe aims at providing an experience that makes Students solve a major problem, the problem of finding ‘A Home Away From Home.’ Students move to distant Cities and have to search across them to find an ideal place to live, in the process they are sometimes caught by various diseases as major Hostel shifting’s are done during the weather which is either extreme cold or extreme hot. Small problems turn up to become major problems later on if not taken care of properly. And we’re not doing anything extraordinary, we are just helping people to solve their problems and in doing so, we are learning and improving day by day, reaching our Milestones and improving over our Technology, updating it and finding new means and sources to easen a problem faced by a plethora of Students and along with their Parents and the close ones who are seldom involved in helping their wards find ‘A Home Away From Home’.

Providing the Customers a Super-Easy and Super-Responsive Customer Care to take care of the problems (if they face any) and if they have any Queries regarding any booking or for any other issue regarding anything HostelsNearMe related.

Getting some amazing properties listed with us just for our Customers will always be our Priority, Properties which are either close to the Colleges or to the Coaching’s to reduce the commute time and making Students reach their respective College or Coachings on time.

Partnering with Colleges across the Cities to serve the Students better.

Being clear with all our policies, that is Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Guest Policy and Terms and Conditions.


Students moving to Lucknow annually face multiple problems when it comes to finding a good Hostel to live in and that is because they are not aware of the areas in the City or the localities or they just don’t know which Hostel is where and a simple task of finding a place to live in may become a grave problem. As old fashioned these problems may seem, they are still welcomed by majority of the Students as they do not have any alternative but to keep facing them.

Is anyone doing anything about it? -NO.
Is it a major problem? -YES.
Are we doing something about it? -YES.

A product comes, every once in a while, that solves problem/problems and gives the customers a better way to do an already existing task. HostelsNearMe does that by helping students solve a major problem, a problem that makes them roam around the City and spend money on the brokers and make them more prone to diseases and that is the problem of Student Accommodation. This problem has prevailed since the Students started moving to different Cities for Higher Education, Coaching’s or just going for a day or two to appear for any competitive exam. And we at HostelsNearMe are doing the best we can to ensure the Students don’t face these problems.

At the bottom we can see some of the problems out of a plethora of problems faced by the Students and how HostelsNearMe helps them tackle it.

  • Roaming in hot and cold weather to find a Hostel live and then comparing to find the one most suitable to you.
  • Spending time to find a good Hostel and then roaming around to know the locality
  • “High fees charged by the brokers to show you around the Hostels and later realising the money could’ve been better used as our Pocket Money.

Mentioned above are some of the problems out of a plethora of problems faced by the Students when moving to Lucknow. HostelsNearMe is there to help solve all these problems. Out of a bunch of problems faced by the Students, Let’s now see how we help solve the above-mentioned problems.

1) With the Hostels coming online, Students can now stop roaming around the City and find the perfect Hostel from the comfort of their homes making their task easier. Comparing Hostels is now just as simple as anything else. They can just choose two Hostels and can easily compare them.

2) Not spending time out in the Summers or Winters and knowing what all is nearby just from the Individual Hostel pages also makes them not to go out in the weather and let them be healthy. Time is the greatest resource one can have and by doing this the Students can save them a lot of time.

3) No fees to be charged by the Brokers and the Students save their money and getting more cash as their Pocket Money.

Helping our customers solve problems has been our Major goal since our Inception in 2019 and we aim at continuously doing that along with, adding more features and upgrading our Technologies to give our Customers a much more Intuitive and User-Friendly control (for more updates on our Website and upcoming features, please check our Blog section).

What Would Modernising this Sector Mean?

The history of Youth Hostels dates back to 1909, when a German teacher Richard Schirrmann recognized a need for night shelter for groups of school children in order to explore the countryside. It was him, who opened the first hostel in the building of the school he worked in, in the town of Altena. It was a perfect object to spend a night in during the summer break when there were no classes and many young people wanted to explore the land. In 1912 it was moved to the nearby castle of Altena, where it still welcomes travellers today, with its excellence and rich history. A few years later, in 1919, Richard Schirrmann founded the first German association of Youth Hostels.

Some pictures from the First Student Hostel set up by Richard Schirrmann in 1919. Picture and DataCredit: youth-hostel.si.

For over a 100 years the Student Accommodation sector has been the same, Students moving to different Cities for Higher Education or Coaching’s or just to give a Competitive exam and nothing has changed, this sector has been hiding in plain sight and looking for improvements till now which is a pity as now we are in the 21st Century and even now if the things are same, it can be a defeat for the Internet. We at HostelsNearMe believe that getting Hostels online and letting Students book Hostels online can be a 1st Step or the Inception of the Revival of the Student Accommodation Sector. Keeping in mind the Report of Frank Miller;

“The purpose built student accommodation (PBSA) market in India is in its infancy, despite the country boasting one of the largest populations of undergraduate students in the world,” Knight Frank said in its ‘Global Student Property 2019’ report. More than 34 million students are currently enrolled on courses at universities across the country, and this figure is expected to rise, it added.

Of the 34 million current students, over 70 per cent are located in the 10 biggest states. “There are currently 1.6 million PBSA bed spaces in India, a figure which represents just 4 per cent of total student enrolment. The majority of this accommodation is operated outside of university control by private owners. Often it is off- campus, of poor quality and with little modern value-add facilities such as Wi-Fi or laundry services,” the report said.

We all know how important the Student Accommodation Sector is, it helps the Students moving to different Cities provide a place like Home, where they spend a very crucial time of their lives and only if the Process of doing so is not very User-Friendly then it defeats the point of being a ‘Home’.

So, what happens if we use the Power and Technology of the Internet to Modernise this Sector?

  • Students can get more choices to book a Hostel,
  • Comparing Hostels is Super-Easy,
  • Instant Booking allows to book Hostels in an Instance,
  • Getting Hostel ratings from previous Guests,
  • Similar Listings on the basis of usage and choices,
  • Knowing everything that is nearby the Hostel,
  • Getting amazing offers,

AND at last,Modernising a latent Sector and helping it keep pace with other Sector’s and re-organising it with the Power and Technology of the Internet and finally Powering it up to the 21st Century norms.


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